At SkyWatch, we believe that Earth Observation should be simple for everyone.
If you’re a satellite operator, you have unique needs to serve a market of high-value customers. TerraStream is a platform you can leverage to manage, process and deliver your data to a wider market.
In addition, we have an aggregation platform called EarthCache that allows different users to commit and access various different data sources.
The two of those products work really well together.
You can think of TerraStream as a “Shopify for satellite data.”
If you were going to build your own website now to sell a product, you wouldn’t build your own checkout experience and shopping cart. You would use something like Shopify to do that for you.
That’s what TerraStream does.
Similarly, when you buy coffee filters and go to, you really don’t care where that coffee filter comes from.
You will search and find the product that suits you based on your needs.
With SkyWatch, EarthCache and TerraStream provide the best of both worlds.
TerraStream allows you to sell directly to your high-value customers and effectively outsource the lower volume sales to our EarthCache platform.
Plus, with both, you get the full power of our sales team working for you and an immediate marketplace of Earth Observation data buyers.